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3 Steps To Choosing The Best Omega 3 Supplements

Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for good health and are important structural components of the brain and retina. The modern diet is very low in Omega 3s relative to Omega 6, and therefore omega 3 supplementation is useful for optimizing the ratio of fatty acids in the body. Increased Omega 3 intake has been associated with several health benefits, including protection of heart disease and cancer, and prevention of age-related cognitive decline.

Choosing the right Omega 3 supplement is very important because low quality may be useless and even harmful to the body. You can click over here to buy the best omega 3 supplements to get health benefits.

You too can make the right choice. Just follow 3 steps below:

What is the source of Omega 3 in a supplement? Is it a terrestrial source (eg flaxseed) or a sea source (e.g. fish oil)? You have to choose Omega 3 supplements that are sea sourced on a sourced land. This is because the Terrestrial-sourced Omega 3 contains ala (alpha-linolenic acid), which the body needs to be converted into EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) – it is EPA and DHA which results in health benefits related to Omega 3 intake, and Not ala. 

There are two types of Omega 3s sea sources – obtained from fish and obtained from algae. If you are vegan, vegetarian, or allergic to the fish protein, then Omega 3-based alga is a clear choice. In addition, some non-vegetarians prefer algae-based supplements because they are more environmentally friendly. On the other hand, Omega 3-based algae tend to be more expensive than fish oil-based.

If you decide to choose Omega 3 supplements based on fish oil, your priority must choose supplements free of poisons and contaminants. This tends to be a problem with a cheaper brand. To ensure that the fish oil you bought in contaminant-free, you must choose one that is certified by international fish oil standards (IFOS). For an IFOS certified product, it is necessary to pass a very strict test for purity and quality.