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Botox Injections For The Treatment Of Wrinkles In Singapore

Botox can be used to reduce sweating. The medical term for excessive sweating and excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis, where you may experience excessive sweating in your armpits or palms. When Botox is injected into the sweat gland area and sweat is reduced due to the lack of activity of the sweat glands.

Botox recently received FDA approval for migraine headaches. Large studies have shown that the number of headaches is reduced after the injection compared to before the injection. You can choose an effective jawline reduction botox treatment for a perfect jaw shape.

The injection can be given either through the outer skin into the underlying muscle or by mouth if it is easier to reach the medial border of the masseter muscle or temporalis muscle insertion. The only areas to avoid for injection are directly into and through the parotid gland. 

The initial dose is usually about 25 to 30 units on the affected side. Eventually, higher doses may be needed to achieve more complete relief, but this initial dose should provide at least some relief. If relief is not obtained at this dose, this indicates that higher doses are also unlikely to be effective.

As with all Botox injections, it takes about a week, so patients need to be patient. Sometimes injections can actually cause discomfort during the first few days due to injury to the syringe muscle. For this reason, mix marcaine, a 24-hour topical anesthetic, with botox for immediate relief before botox starts.

Talking to your doctor can help you determine if you are a good candidate for Botox. Many doctors offer websites where you can learn more about Botox 24/7 and schedule your Botox classes online.