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Chat Bots Are the Wave of the Future

If you are looking for a way to make online friends and feel more at ease chatting with them from across the globe, then you need a website chatbot. A chatbot is an automated software program used to perform an online chat transaction through either text or voice-to-voice, rather than giving direct human contact with a real human agent. The advantage of having a chat bot is that you don't have to pay for a premium subscription to connect with your friends. Plus, since you can simply use your web browser, you can start conversing with people almost immediately!

Google has recently introduced two very interesting chatbot applications. One of these, Google Talk, is available as a free download for many users. The other, Google Talk Advanced, is purchased in a fee but provides additional features that are useful for those who might ask their questions through a Google Hangout or Google+ Hangout. If you might ask why Google made these two different apps, well, it's all about making money.

That's right, chat bots to help customer service representatives carry out their duties more effectively. A chatbot sits on your desktop and promptly answers any questions that you might have about products or services. You can direct the bot to research new services, gather leads, respond to messages, or just ask the bot general questions about the computer program. In short, these automated agents help your computer service agents become better at their jobs. Here's how:

Google is the top search engine company in the world, and their artificial intelligence chatbot, Google Assistant, is no different. It can search the web, find links, and respond to online requests. This is only the beginning. Because it is an artificially intelligent (AI) system, Google Assistant can use natural language processing, image recognition, pattern recognition, and many other computer programs that are currently being used by humans. These artificial intelligence chat bots are the future of customer service.

As the Internet becomes more prevalent in society, customer service representatives will no longer be left behind in their marketing efforts. Rather than having to "cold call" each client or potential client, they can now use chatbots to solicit information from them. As chatbots become more popular, software developers will begin to offer software tools that will enable agents to easily talk with their customers. This means that the sales force will be able to deliver personalized services, which will in turn keep agents up to date with their own customers, which in turn, means that they will actually enjoy their work. Chat bots will also enable them to provide prospects with accurate and easy-to-understand information.

This type of software system can also provide personalization for each customer. As the website chatbot continues to gain more capabilities, it will be possible for a computer program to be developed that can actually read a person's personal profile and determine things about them. For instance, if a person is searching for a computer program that helps them create presentations, the chatbot can use the profile to suggest a template for them to choose from. This way, every single time the user clicks the "buy" button or enters their credit card number, it is recorded and stored on the server where the artificial intelligence chatbot works alongside customers and their personal profiles. In future generations, your shopping and researching habits can all be tracked by your chatbot.

This new chatbot can also allow companies that have a social networking site like Facebook to integrate their services with those of Google. The two companies can then allow one group to have the conversations among its members automatically forwarded to another group on the social networking site. Google already has messaging apps available on its social networking site, and these chat apps can ultimately be applied to the chatbot. If Google bought ChatBots, they would combine two massive businesses into one. In doing so, they will have taken the lead in creating the next generation of computer interaction.

Chat Bots will undoubtedly take the world by storm. They are the wave of the future, and the future looks as bright as a robot on crack. Chat Bots are going to change how customer service support services are conducted, and they are going to alter how many things are done online. Join the revolution and get in on the ground floor of this new technological advancement today.