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Cloud Data Backup Services – Perfect for Roaming Laptop User Backups

One of the main obstacles to enterprise backup and disaster recovery plans is coordinating backup roaming laptop users. Salespeople, technicians, and others spend more time on the move than in the office, where they have access to network storage resources and internal filing solutions. You can also learn more about cloud data backup services through the internet.

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Due to the nature of computer use and access to roaming laptop users' networks, laptops are more susceptible to losing some or all of their data due to loss, theft, or damage to the laptop. These users need a robust and reliable data protection plan to prevent loss of business critical data. This accidental or infrequent access to the local network makes it difficult for IT administrators to create effective backup and recovery plans in the event of a disaster.

Online backup services are the ideal solution for creating an effective emergency backup and recovery plan for roaming laptop users. User data can be archived in the cloud according to a set schedule, as the only requirement is an internet connection. Your data is then stored securely in the cloud, no matter where the user is roaming.

The cloud backup service enables a centrally managed backup solution that can be controlled online with very few requirements for remote access to the user's laptop. Backup schedules can be managed and controlled centrally with adequate reporting to users and IT administrators.