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Corporate Waste Management Plans for Implementing Recycling Programs

One of the most obvious benefits of recycling and solid waste management is that the more efficient transportation companies are to manage, especially when working with waste and waste intermediaries, the less waste ends up in landfills and on land. Another big advantage is that new products are made from recycled materials, mostly from retail waste management. To get more details about waste management recycling services you may check out here.

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Here are some suggestions for successful recycling:

  • Most of your trash will be corrugated cardboard. To reduce volume and make storage easier, flatten and round the corrugated cardboard. Decide whether it will be profitable for your business to install compact paperboard.
  • Include recycling information in your new employee orientation.
  • Train janitors and/or personnel responsible for the disposal of waste and recyclable materials in proper segregation procedures.
  • Tell the field officer the reason why yard waste should not be mixed with other waste.
  • Make sure the manager of the public area in the shopping center is equipped with recycling bins.
  • Put up a sign to let customers know you recycle.

Ultimately, as with any structural change, employee and customer engagement and the partnership between you and your waste disposal company are key components of any waste reduction work.

Most employees enjoy using sustainable practices in the workplace, especially when they feel they are doing the next right thing to help the planet. Proper training for your waste management recycling system ensures that your new sustainability program is accepted and successful.