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Features Of Academic English

Academic English offers a number of features that go against common sense in everyday language. It is more abstract, less dependent on the context of the interaction, and contains domain-specific vocabulary, features that can make learners feel excluded or even alienated from the topic. When teachers begin to focus on these difficulties, they usually think about vocabulary problems.

Although new lexical terms are part of the challenge, the relationships between these technical terms can create new grammatical structures for students. One characteristic of academic English, which is found in all disciplines, is called grammatical metaphor by some linguists. 

According to Halliday and Martin, this means that one grammatical class is replaced by another or one grammatical structure is replaced by another. However, if you are also looking to learn academic English online then you can join online live classes available at various platforms such as

Academic English, learning Academic English

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Most often verbs (process) are changed to nouns (things) to condense information. Technically, this is known as nominalization. For example, the sentence More people ask for more goods so that the price will increase because the goods will not contain enough three clauses, each of which has a verb.

However, if we repeat the sentence, the idea is presented in a sentence with a verb (will lead to): A high increase in the asking price causes a shortage of goods (nominal sentence) (verb) (nominal sentence). In this case, for example, two verbs or processes changed to a noun. This condensation of language allows writers to "pack" more information into clauses, a constant feature of academic language.