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Finding a Moving and Storage Company in Raleigh

It is difficult to make the decision to move, especially if you have lived in the same place for many years. It can be difficult to decide what to keep, what to sell, and what to give away. If you have done all of this, contact a professional moving company.

It is important to find out if the moving company offers storage facilities where your belongings can be stored for a specific or indefinite period of time unless you are moving into another house. How and where can you find storage if it takes several weeks to move into your new home after you have left your old home?

There are many moving companies such as Crabtree Family Moving that can provide storage for those who are unable to move into their new home immediately. These companies may use what is called a "pod", where one's belongings can be moved in a container-type box and stored on the company's premises for an indefinite period of time.

Each month storage fees will be charged until the property moves. Moving companies that do not offer storage should be arranged before anyone moves. The moving company will take the items to the storage space where they can unload them.

To protect their belongings, it is essential that the owner of the storage unit be present in order to place a lock on it. As small, easy-to-remove padlocks are not as strong, a heavy, sturdy padlock is recommended.