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Get to Know the ASVAB Test Processes

Composite material and individual test results from sub-tests determine the test results. The most important result of the ASVAB test is the AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test). These results indicate whether you meet the requirements to join certain branches of the army and you can prepare for the ASVAB test online

The following are estimates of the AFQT required for different branches of the military:

Navy – 35

Soldiers – 31st

Marines – Des.

Coast Guard – 45

Air Force – 36

There are 3 versions of ASVAB: MET ASVAB, Student ASVAB (for students and students), and CAT-ASVAB (Computer Adaptive Test). Each of these versions has a different advantage for testers.

1. ASVAB MET-Site – To receive this edition of ASVAB, you need a referral from a military recruiter. This exam will be conducted on a testing site for mobile exams in the United States. There is an eight area test consisting of a multiple-choice questionnaire with answers on another piece of paper. 

2. CAT-ASVAB – This ASVAB version is usually given to military recruits. Exams are programmed and show questions, assess, and answer answers to assessments. It also summarizes the results for the AFQT exam. 

3. Student ASVAB – Student ASVAB is given to students and high school students to create their career path. This version consists of 8 subtests and takes about three hours. The results of the assessment will be provided to your high school or college education advisor which will be used to analyze promising future careers for students.