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Guide on Types of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the process of creating, managing, and executing a digital marketing plan to promote a company or product. There are many types of digital marketing, but the four main categories are web marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing. 

Web Marketing: Web marketing includes using online channels such as websites, blogs, email lists, and social media to market a company’s products or services. Web marketers typically create and manage web content (such as articles or blog posts), design and build websites, and promote their websites through online advertising. You can also get digital marketing services from

Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing is the use of social networking websites (SNSs) to create or maintain relationships with customers or followers. Social media networks allow companies to interact with customers and followers in a variety of ways, including through the sharing of content (such as blog posts or photos), the promotion of events and products, and the solicitation of feedback.

Email Marketing: Email marketing is the sending of emails to a large number of people from a company with the goal of collecting data about customer behavior so that future communication can be more targeted and effective. Email marketers typically create email campaigns using templates or automated software that allows them to track

Digital marketing is the process of creating, managing, and executing a marketing campaign that uses digital channels such as email, website, social media, and mobile apps. It is an important part of a business’s overall strategy for reaching customers and generating leads.