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Key Principles Of Construction Project Management

Construction project management requires a wide range of skills, as well as the ability to interact with multiple authorities and individuals, to guide projects from concept to construction. It is important that the construction project manager follows the principles of project management at every stage of the project.

Apart from this, sufficient experiences, skills, tools, and techniques are required to manage projects professionally to achieve the requirements of any project requested by the client and follow up with them in the implementation of engineering projects.

What Is Construction Project Management?

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Project conception and initiation:

You can't start a project until you know you can finish it. First comes proper verification to determine if the project is even viable. How do you understand that? You want to conduct a feasibility study, or what is known as a business case, where you examine objectives, costs, and deadlines to determine if you have the resources to achieve a successful project within those limits. 

Define and plan projects:

Outline the tasks in the schedule and record the project phases and the resources required to complete these tasks in the allocated budget. Be clear in your plans so everyone is on the same page and understands what needs to be done throughout the project lifecycle. This includes specifications of cost, scope, duration, quality, and communication within the project.

Monitor project implementation:

You can't know the progress of your project if you don't have a way to monitor it. You would have done this during the previous phase of the project, but it is important enough to require a separate phase of your management. So stay flexible and communicative at all times so you can adapt quickly to change and always do.