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Laser Hair Removal System – Know The Facts

Why is hair removal so important?

Apart from cosmetic reasons, there are other compelling causes why people want to remove hair; for example for medical reasons.

This is necessary when, because of a hormonal imbalance, women start growing hair where they shouldn't, for example on the face. In addition, the patient's hair must be removed before surgery to reduce the risk of infection. This is done through simple permanent methods such as laser hair removal in Hong Kong.

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Types of hair removal

There are basically two types of hair removal – temporary and permanent hair removal processes. Before discussing the various hair removal methods available, it is important to know that hair growth starts below the surface of the skin.

If you want to remove hair above the surface of the skin, it is most likely a temporary method also known as plucking. Shaving, trimming, using powders or creams that dissolve hair, or using a rough surface to wipe hair are all temporary measures.

In permanent hair removal, also called hair removal, the hair is not only removed from the surface but also completely along with the roots. Methods like tweezers, wax masks, sugaring, threading, etc. Is a method of extraction. Then there are more complex hair removal methods such as electrolysis and laser hair removal.

The permanent hair removal system

If you are looking for a permanent hair removal system, rest assured that there are many options available to you. Depending on your budget, available time, and personal preference, you should be able to narrow down the options available and decide which one is the best for you.