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Some Misconceptions about Plastic Surgery

These misconceptions are dispelled in the context Life Stage Personal Enhancement:

1. It is important that women wait until they are 60 to have plastic surgery. Waiting until the woman has gone through menopause can drastically alter the outcome of the procedure. 

Too often, older patients end up with an "overdone look" where the skin must be pulled tight to achieve contour improvements. This is because the procedure was performed at a younger age. 

2. Plastic surgery is not for the wealthy: According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, the majority of plastic surgery patients are middle-class people who have their own disposable income. 

You can navigate to this website if you are looking for the best plastic surgeon.

The 20 Richest Plastic Surgeons in the World

Image Source: Google

3. Plastic surgery is not for women. Men make up 15 percent of all patients who undergo cosmetic surgery. This number has steadily increased over the past decade. This is not surprising as men need to look their best for a competitive job market. 

4. Plastic surgery is not for everyone. Many studies of quality of life outcomes and patient satisfaction have shown that plastic surgery can lead to real improvements in body image, and greater satisfaction with their lives. 

5. Recovery from plastic surgery can take a while. However, there have been many improvements in the surgical techniques, anaesthesia methods, and pain management that mean that patients don't need to wait as long for recovery. 

6. Breast augmentation can be dangerous: Breast implants are the most studied medical device in American history. Although there are risks to any operation, breast augmentation surgery has been clearly described as a risky procedure. 

Patients should always verify the credentials and qualifications of their surgeon.