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The paragraph comprehension test is one of the nine sections of the ASVAB test. Many ASVAB candidates find the paragraph comprehension test difficult, but with proper long-term preparation, you can also access for paragraph comprehension asvab test.

Many recruits panic when they have to take an exam with the Armed Forces or ASVAB, thinking they have to give up everything that's going on in their life and just have to study hard. If you're a bookworm or an avid reader, you might think it's time to get out of your book so you can focus on studying ASVAB instead.

Very often you will find the main idea in the first or last sentence. If you pay attention to words like, but still, even though the idea usually changes direction. They are called "contrast notes" and the main idea is usually found soon afterward in this section.

Types of questions include: Deductive – defines the purpose of the selected text Objective – justifies the purpose of the selected text Glossary – correctly identifies the definition of the selected words based on the context of the selected text.

After reading a paragraph or chapter, or even an entire novel, take some time to reflect on what you have read. Testing yourself this way will force your mind to process itself automatically as you read, and it will help your ASVAB too.