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The Automatic Intensive Driving Course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge you need to drive safely and efficiently in heavy traffic. The course usually lasts around 10 days, and it is divided into three parts. 

Part one covers the basics of driving, part two focuses on how to drive in heavy traffic, and part three covers emergency driving procedures.

There are plenty of reasons to take an impulsive Intensive Driving Course:

Some drivers believe that it is important to receive instruction and practice in how to drive safely when behind the wheel of a car. A course can help avoid potential legal issues or accidents. Additionally, many people find that taking an AIDC substantially reduces their stress while driving.

For businesses, an AIDC can help reduce the number of time employees spend driving. It can also alleviate the need to provide transportation for employees, saving money in the long run. Finally, AIDC courses can increase satisfaction among employees who feel like they have more control over their safety when driving.

Is the Automatic Intensive Driving Course expensive?

The Automatic Intensive Driving Course is not expensive. In fact, it is one of the most affordable driving schools available. If you are looking to improve your driving skills and prevent accidents, the Automatic Intensive Driving Course is a good option for you.