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bookmark_borderEasy Podcasting Marketing Methods In The USA

You can do a lot with podcasting marketing techniques. You can market yourself in your niche, you can stand out from the crowd with this underused marketing method, and operate in a market with little competition. While most of your competition is in YouTube marketing, your podcast can help you stand out in an almost unmatched area.

Creating a podcast is easy via the help of a podcast promotion agency. All you need is a computer, a microphone, good audio editing software, and maybe some good file conversion software.

You may need a file conversion software because preview files can be saved as "WAV" or "AIF" file types, depending on the recording software you use.

This is a very high quality file, but the file size is huge especially if you've created a 60 minute podcast. Therefore, you must convert the file to MP3 format. MP3s are a compressed file type, and 60 minutes of MP3 audio is significantly smaller than WAV or AIF files.

Podcasts can do you a lot of good. The good thing about them is that they are free. Once you've saved your podcast, you'll want to submit it to podcast directories. iTunes and Podcast Alley are 2 of my favorites. There's a lot more, but they both work really well for me – iTunes in particular.