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bookmark_borderHow Frequently Should You Have Your Carpets Cleaned

Your house is a very important part of your life. Things inside your home usually represent a great investment of time and money. 

Your carpet was also a great investment and you probably want to take care of it as well as you can. Therefore, It would be the best idea to take help from the professional carpet cleaning & upholstery services in Windsor.

Walk on your carpet every day for so many years, you understand that it is soiled and dirty from time to time. 

There are several reasons why cleaning of carpets is important. However, most people do not even think about them twice. 

Do you know how many times you should have your carpets cleaned? Let's look at the importance of steam cleaning your carpet.

You should have your carpets professionally cleaned every 18-24 months at least. This is for average use. 

If you have a lot of traffic on your carpet, you may want to hit that until each year. Steam cleaning is the method of choice for most professionals and people in the industry. 

Most carpet mills will require your carpets to be cleaned every 18 to 24 months to maintain your warranty. Without this level of maintenance on your part, your warranty can be canceled in most cases.

Why do they want you to clean the steam as a regular part of your maintenance schedule? If you do not clean your carpets correctly, the ground will remain between the fibers. 

Dirt is a corrosive material. When it stays on the carpet and you keep walking on it, it will be constantly rubbing against the other fibers.