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bookmark_borderAn Overview of Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is an important part of Chemistry that deals with carbon-containing compounds. Though quite interesting, students sometimes find it difficult to understand the concept clearly.

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In this article, we will discuss the various properties, composition, structure, behavior, and changes that matter undergoes under various conditions. As noted above, organic chemistry deals with compounds containing carbon.

This branch of chemistry deals with the structure, naming, synthesis, and composition of carbon compounds; and examining their behavior when interacting with other substances. The best example is glucose, which is identified by the chemical formula C6H12O6.

 Although carbon is the main research element for this subsection, compounds that do not contain hydrogen are not organic. To give you a clearer picture, let me tell you that carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are not organic compounds.

As you study this interesting branch of science, you will also learn about the importance of the chemical bonds that are formed between the hydrogen atom and the carbon atom. However, organic compounds can also consist of other elements.

If you are interested in the subject and want to start a career in this field, you will need to learn basic facts about it. Those who specialize in organic chemistry are known as organic chemists.