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bookmark_borderKomatsu Equipments Used For The Infrastructure

Infrastructure is ingrained in our daily lives, from new city development to urban planning. Our broad range of products and solutions helps create a sustainable and successful future.

Large construction projects such as dams and roads, which are critical to a growing population. Our Komatsu system provides insight into the detailed machine data required for safe and efficient operation on this construction site.

The shortage of manpower is a very real problem that Komatsu is actively trying to solve. You can buy komatsu parts virtually by using ICT (information and communication technology), Smart Construction visualizes data on a construction site from start to finish of construction and offers an optimal approach and allocation of resources. 

They strive to work with our customers to make their operations more productive and efficient. Our lives depend on the security of social infrastructure, which can be taken for granted.

Pipe construction for water, electricity, and gas must be properly maintained. Quick recovery from natural disasters is necessary. We are ready to offer products and services for all construction works, products and solutions.

Ultimately, it depends on you, the vehicle owner, what type of engine you choose for your car. If you plan to store the car for a long time, repair is the preferred option. If your plan is to just install one engine and then sell or dispose of the car, the latter can do the job for you.