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bookmark_borderEasy Ways Through Which You Can Keep Your Furniture Clean

Vacuuming the furniture removes dirt from the surface, which prevents dirt from embedding in the fibers. Often the best way to keep your sofa clean is to avoid getting it dirty in the first place.

Avoid letting your pets rest on your furniture. In addition to the fact that they molt, both dogs and cats instinctively scratch the area they are going to use to rest. If you have very delicate or very expensive furniture, you may want to ban pets from the room entirely.

You can also buy removable and machine washable covers for the sofas or opt for the services of a professional cleaning company.  You can get furniture cleaning service via

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When you first buy your furniture, choose to cover it with a cloth protector. Once your sofa is covered, it can be surprisingly easy to clean up a spill just by wiping it dry. Use a stain cleaner specifically designed for upholstery. 

Also, be sure to test the product first to confirm that it does not harm your fabric. After applying, use a soft brush to gently work the cleaner into the fibers in a circular motion. Then vacuum it up when it's dry.

Another source of potential damage that you might not think about is the sun. You must keep your furniture out of direct sunlight. UV rays can cause your furniture to fade or dry out. Silks are even more delicate.

Finally, to extend the life of your sofa, regularly turn over all loose cushions. This allows the user to spread out evenly; it also prevents the cushions from developing permanent indentations. Plus, fluffing the cushions helps keep them in shape.