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bookmark_borderCareer Consultants Help People Find and Change Jobs

As companies downsize, services consolidate and manufacturing firms reposition themselves to foreign soil, many Americans are being forced to change their careers. Even among those with a clear career path, many are seeking to transfer their skills into growth fields.

Because of these trends, the need for career consulting services has never been greater.

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Professionals in the career consulting industry rely on counseling, research, and marketing techniques to assist their clients in developing career options and industry alternatives that match their goals and objectives.

If you decide to seek the assistance of a career consultant, you should compare and evaluate several firms. Check on their reputations, staff experience, and credentials before choosing one.

Carefully read the written contract, check with the Better Business Bureau, and verify the company's expertise in your area.

The credentials of the consultant staff are of special importance. You certainly wouldn't expect to take a commercial flight with a big airline company only to discover that your pilot has not yet received his FAA certifications. The same should be true in selecting a career consulting firm.

Are their consultants credentialed by the Career Masters Institute (an external, independent organization that provides rigorous credentialing for only the best in the industry)? Are they certified by the Professional Resume Writing and Research Association?

You also need to understand that your own involvement is critical to the success of any job search program.