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bookmark_borderGet All The Information You Need For First Time Home Buyer Loans

Owning your first home is now made more attainable with first time home buyer loans. Buying your very first home can take a lot of your time and money. The feeling of anticipation as you think about moving into your first home and making it your own is no doubt overwhelming. 

You want to keep feeling as positively towards your home purchase for the years to come. No matter how you arrive at the decision to finally purchase your own home, you have to make sure that you know exactly what you are getting into to be able to fully enjoy your home in the years to come. 

Understanding what financial facilities are available to you would help you come up with a plan to purchase your home at terms that are most beneficial to you. Discover more about first time home buyer loans through

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Your first hurdle would be money. A lot of home buyers are put off by the large down payment required for most home purchases. This is largely because your conventional mortgage only finances up to about 80% to 90% of the home's purchase price. 

You will be left to source funding for the balance. You can get a government grant for this if you fit the criteria. Government grants are usually given to those who are obviously in financial need but otherwise have the income earning capacity to be able to meet their financial obligations. 

These grants could provide you free money for your down payment or for closing costs on your first home.