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bookmark_borderHow To Create Your Own Virtual Private Network

With so many people still moving, the urges to use a Wi-Fi network like those found in several public places are increasing every day. The main issue with open networks is that even if the Internet connection is unpaid, your data is at risk to hackers or people with the knowledge to steal your information.

Simple things like checking your email, logging on to your bank site, or any other research on securing an open wireless network, send your user name and password on the air just long enough for someone one who knows what they are doing to steal your information and identity. This is where virtual private networks or VPNs have grown in popularity over the years. They provide the user with a secure way to surf the web. You can also get Free unlimited VPN program recommendation (also known as 무료 무제한 VPN 프로그램 추천 in the Korean language) to get the secure connection.

How to Host Your Own VPN with Algo and Cloud Hosting

Image Source: Google

Another option is to build your own VPN with DD-WRT for safe web browsing. There are about four steps in this process with an important warning. Do not use your primary router for this work, you may need to use the internet for troubleshooting problems.


Although you can view online how to flash a router with DD-WRT router should always have a compatible version of DD-WRT with the VPN tab in the services. If the VPN is not here tab, update installation. Then you’ll need a good source of energy.

Note the installation process

This is extremely important and you will need four things:

  • The router user name and password you will use.
  • The IP address of the external router.
  • The internal IP address of the router.
  • Finally, you will need the internal DHCP range of the router.