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bookmark_borderParaquat Lawsuit – Paraquat Linked To Parkinsons Disease

Paraquat dichloride (paraquat) is the chemical most commonly used as an herbicide. Although it was first created more than 130 years ago, its use as an herbicide did not become popular until the mid-20th century. Paraquat is currently used as an herbicide in more than 100 different plant species.

A 2012 study – Genetic Modification of the Paraquat and Parkinson's Disease Association – found that people taking paraquat who also had certain genetic variations were 11 times more likely to develop Parkinson's. If you have been exposed to paraquat or a similar herbicide, Rotenone, and then develop Parkinson's disease, you may be eligible to take part in paraquat Parkinsons judicial proceedings.

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What is the alleged problem with paraquat?

Studies show that exposure to paraquat may be associated with the development of serious health complications. According to the UPAC (Unified Parkinson's Advocacy Council), research shows "that exposure to paraquat, either directly through the air or a clothing herbicide, significantly increases the risk of Parkinson's disease."

According to the American Council on Science and Health, the relative noxiousness of glyphosate versus paraquat, another herbicide known as a poison, is between 33 and 250. The lethal dose for the average human is about 2.5 grams and is still more toxic when inhaled. The noxious nature of Paraquat makes it a traditionally popular suicide drug because it can kill one person at a time.

After starting the research, Syngenta, the maker of this herbicide, says on its website that research shows that farmers who take paraquat are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease than the general population. This statement was strongly disputed by the study's authors, who asserted that the study found that people were about two and a half times more likely to develop Parkinson's after exposure to paraquat.