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bookmark_borderWhat to Look for in a Personal Shopper

There are many image consultants who offer the ultimate shopping experience in the capital, almost 200 of them actually !! So what type of service should they offer and how do you choose the right person to use for your best shopping experience? Here are some tips to help you make the right choice. You can choose the best personal shopper in NYC via

Most private buyers are freelance, but some work for department stores. I would suggest working with freelance consultants because even though it will be more expensive; You will not be tied to buy your belongings from one store. 

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1. Knowledge – London is a great place and your personal shopper must know like the back of their hands. Don't be afraid to ask questions before ordering about their knowledge about shopping in the capital, it is usually very easy to notify experienced shoppers from a beginner by telephone !!

2. Patience – Many personal buyers out there put a hat at their time which is fair enough because they have their own lives, however, the last thing you need is someone who is determined to make you rush. You pay good money for service so use it and make sure you get what you pay for and make sure to ask about the procedure and charge them before you agree to consult.

3. Honesty – This is the main strength of a personal shopper. Honesty is the best policy and even though you might not always like what you hear, the truth is exactly what you need to hear. Personal buyers are there to tell you about clothes and what color is the most suitable for you, leave it to your friends to tell you how good you see everything !!!