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bookmark_borderGranite Worktops Vs Quartz Worktops

When choosing between granite or quartz countertops, people often find it difficult to decide which option is better in the long run. They are both very beautiful and usually come in a variety of styles, so you can combine them with almost any type of decor around them.

Granite countertops are natural stone slabs, while quartz countertops are made of a combination of quartz, pigment, and resin. Check over here for detail as combination ultimately makes quartz countertops much more durable than granite countertops and allows for a variety of coatings.

Although granite is one of the strongest stones for kitchen countertops, it can crack at the edges and won't interfere with spills and even detergent use. Household cleaners that contain ammonia, for example, can seriously damage the surface of granite slabs and ultimately dull them.

Spilled material quickly penetrates rock and can easily discolor the granite unless the tabletop is regularly closed to protect and maintain its appearance. When a piece needs to be replaced, it can be very difficult to find the right match because each piece of granite looks a little different. Desktop stitches are also very difficult to hide.

On the other hand, a quartz countertop is not only resistant to chips and scratches, but also non-porous and spilled materials can be easily removed without risk of staining. While it is advisable to only use bleach on this tabletop when necessary, accidental use will not affect the final result as long as it is rinsed properly after use.