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bookmark_borderWhat is Irrigation Water Management?

In agriculture, irrigation is any method that delivers water to plants. Irrigation improves soil moisture and helps crops grow. In other words, without irrigation we would not be able to grow plants because it is too dry for them to survive in the soil. In order to accomplish this goal, these systems are used on a variety of farms, including fields of fruit orchards, vineyards, and vegetable gardens.

Irrigation water management is the process of optimizing irrigation systems to meet specific needs while minimizing environmental impact. There are a variety of ways to water plants, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common way to irrigate plants is by using a sprinkler system. 

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Sprinklers use pressurized water to water plants. One disadvantage of sprinklers is that they can cause lawns and gardens to become overgrown. Another disadvantage is that they can waste water by watering plants that are not receiving enough water. 

One way to avoid these problems is to use drip irrigation. Drip irrigation uses small amounts of water distributed over a long period of time to water plants. This method is less likely to cause lawns and gardens to become overgrown and it wastes less water than sprinkler irrigation. However, drip irrigation is more expensive than sprinkler irrigation and it requires more experience to use it correctly. 

Another way to irrigate plants is with soaker hoses. Soaker hoses use pressurized air instead of water to irrigate plants. This method is less likely to cause lawns and gardens to become overgrown, but it can be more difficult to install and maintain than drip or sprinkler irrigation systems. You can use sprinkler irrigation to water smaller areas of your garden or lawn when you don't have enough water pressure to run a soaker hose.