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The Biggest Obstacle Holding Back Your Military Career Is You

As an instructor and provider of ASVAB training materials, I have met many aspiring soldiers who have high hopes and dreams of joining the United States Armed Forces. You have big dreams for a day. You can identify your biggest obstacles and learn some ideas from online ASVAB course on how to overcome them.

Too many would-be recruits, the idea of doing something as unusual as joining the army seemed like an impossible dream to EVER. However, if you don't have something preventing you from joining the military today, why can't one day be today?

Disqualifying factors can include reimbursement of ongoing medical expenses, pending litigation, or other related matters. You should discuss your options with the recruiter. However, if all of the above doesn't bother you, you still think that the military dream is a distant and inaccessible target. 

You are the master of your life and future. And if you haven't taken the first step that will change the rest of your life, all you have to do is beat yourself up for not doing this.  You must first make a conscious decision to take action. Find out what's bothering you. 

Do you have documents to fill out? Have you postponed your studies for your exam? Maybe you have some pressing questions that need answers before you move on to the next step?

If your ASVAB study is holding you back, take the ASVAB guidelines, block one hour each day, and make an effort to study.