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The International School In Neitherland

Any education system depends upon parents having the ability to choose the right school for their children. In order to help parents make an informed decision, schools often seeks various accreditations.

These accreditations are hard to achieve, but well worth it since they let parents know about the level of quality they can expect from the school. The International school seeks to establish and promote educational standards around the world for traditional and non-traditional educational institutes. If you are resident in Neitherland then you can also choose the best international amityschool for your children.

Accreditation organizations, working on regional or national levels, have already laid down the framework for domestic accreditation levels. However, with increased globalization, there is a need to establish international standards.

These will help students reach the correct decision while picking institutions for international studies. An international accreditation does not seek to replace any current accreditations a school possesses.

It acts as a secondary accreditation, to compliment any other ones that an institution has received from regional organizations. Any educational institute that carries the international accreditation commits to delivering quality education, at par with international standards.

The School was conceived by education professionals from 25 different countries. Rather than replace regional organizations, IAO seeks to work with them in order to establish new standards.

Regional accreditation organizations usually have their own standards already in place. These standards have been vetted through the years, and are of the highest quality and are very stringent.

The IAO adopts these standards and infuses them with their own experience of standardizing at an international level. Over the years, other global accreditation associations have recognized  services and expertise.

The International Education Accreditation Commission evaluates and regulates accreditation agencies that are devoted to online education. The Global Education Support Forum for Working Adults was conceived to promote and standardize education for working adults throughout the globe.