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Top Tips For Laundering Hotel Linen

For successful commercial laundries, hotels form a considerable portion of the total customer base. In this regard, hotel linen represents a core laundry load – one that requires special care and attention when passed through laundering processes.  

Here, practices such as mattress cleaning and the use of water-saving polymer beads are slowly taking over the industry. These have fundamentally changed and continue to improve the quality of service commercial laundries provide. 

Offer mattress cleaning 

It’s hard to argue with the assertion that most, if not all, hotels aim to provide their guests with the best experience money can buy. 

Laundering hotel linen hire via, unsurprisingly, forms an important step in this process. Beyond linen, however, mattresses are being cleaned as well to improve the overall guest experience.

In this regard, beyond expanding services to include mattress washing and cleaning itself, following best practices can lead to more satisfied customers. One of these involves staff pressing firmly on mattresses using a crevice tool, to get rid of dust that can’t be seen.

To eliminate stains, can use fabric cleaners or mild suds for this purpose. Once these are dry, they can be then be sanitized with a disinfectant spray. 

Switch from water to polymer beads 

Given the frequent washing and cleaning required by hotels, commercial laundries can now save on a significant quantity of water using polymer beads. 

This laundering innovation replaces water as the primary medium of cleaning, reducing water wastage and expenditure significantly. This allows commercial laundries to charge competitive pricing for the cleaning of hotel linen, allowing them to retain loyal customers and expand their services to other clients.