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Training Program For Dental Assistants

Most dentists today usually employ assistants. These assistants are responsible for performing tasks that may include assisting with patient care, educating patients about follow-up care, laboratory work, or managing office tasks.

Dental assistants are not authorized to perform certain procedures and treatments that may be performed by dental assistants or dentists. To become a dental assistant, the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) exam must be taken after completing a dental assistant training program.

To be active in practice, all assistants must pass this four-hour exam. Training programs offer many different ways to prepare for exams. If you want to do the complete training program for dental assistants go through

One way is to complete a two-year collaborative program at a university or college that offers training to become a dental assistant. To qualify for the association program, a student must hold a high school diploma or equivalent. You don't need to have an associate degree before you can become an assistant. However, an associate degree will be especially helpful for those looking to pursue a later career, as most dental hygienists have a two-year degree.

Vocational schools and technical institutes also offer a one-year course in dentistry, which is another opportunity to become an assistant. These training programs require more time for hands-on experience and are usually quicker. To enter a year-long training program, you must have a bachelor's degree or equivalent. This program offers a high pass rate for those who wish to become dental hygienists.