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Types Of Ceiling Light Fixtures And Where To Install Them

There are several types of lighting fixtures that can be used to light a house and one of the most common is ceiling lighting. Ceiling lights are the ideal choice whether you have a small or large house. They are available in a variety of designs that can complement any architectural theme or style. 

In order to find out more about which type of ceiling light is best for a particular room in your home, it is important to understand the different types of ceiling lights that are widely used today. Some of them are discussed below have a look at them.

Top 3 Ideas to Light Up Your Ceiling - Saint-Gobain Gyproc

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Recessed Lights:

Recessed lights are perhaps the most popular type of ceiling light for homes. As the name suggests, this type of lamp is fixed to the ceiling with a cap. Covers are usually round in shape, but easy-to-fit covers can be of any design. They can be used in any room in the house but can be too common for living and dining rooms. Due to their inconspicuous structure, they are best suited for smaller areas.

Ceiling Fan With Light: 

This type of lamp is decorative and very functional. They can be used in bedrooms and living rooms that need a lot of air circulation, but the fan may be too big for a small space. Thus, they are best placed in rooms that have enough space.