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Understanding the Rating Levels of Timber for Better Business

assessments onsite forest

Although timber is a great material for furniture, not all varieties are made equal. Freeloading termites, insects, and environmental conditions can make your hard work go in vain. But a high strength, durability, and resistance of your furniture can withstand these factors to stay on the floor for a longer time. Thus, if you are buying or selling timber or timber products, understanding timber ratings is crucial.

All the timber materials are classified into different rating segments by hazard levels, durability, and strength. So, we will go through them one by one.

Hazard Levels

 This level determines how hazardous conditions a timber product can withstand. Timber is rated H1 through H6 with H1 bringing the lowest level on the scale. The H1 timber is suitable for indoor, above-ground areas that are well ventilated and has borer resistance. The H2 level adds termite resistance and is good for ground areas provided they are protected from wetting and leaching. On the top is the H6 variety that’s good for outdoor use, can be submerged in saltwater, and protects against decay and marine wood borers.

Durability Levels

Similar to hazards, timber has four classes of durability. Class 1 and 2 hardwood is recommended for handrails and decking due to their high durability and long lifespan. Class 3 and 4 timbers are usually less durable and last less based on where they are installed.

Strength Levels

These levels define the ability of the timber to withhold stress. The ratings start with F1 being the lowest and go past F40. F14 or higher level is recommended for bears, joists, and decking.

On top of all, dealing with timber grown sustainably and approved by onsite forest assessments will always be environmental-friendly and deliver better performance.