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What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing a Hotel in Santa Monica?

Knowing how to choose the right hotel for you will make your trip different. If you choose a resort, you are likely to spend a lot of time in your hotel. But even if you're just looking for a place to sleep after a long day outdoors, one important decision is where to return to at the end of the day. You can book a hotel by the beach via

Here are some things to look for when looking for a hotel.

Furniture: There are some basic amenities that you will always want to check. And some others that may be important to you. Check if these facilities are 

(a) Free/included

(b) Where and when they are available.

Park: If you have a car, parking is very important. Sometimes there is parking, but in a separate garage nearby. You also need to check how narrow the garage (and the streets around it). 

Wireless Internet Access: If WiFi is enabled, is it free? Most places offer free wifi these days, but at some of the more expensive hotels you have to pay for it. Make sure it's unlimited.

Breakfast: Make sure breakfast is included. It's not uncommon for hotels to have "breakfast included" rates and "room only" rates without breakfast. If you notice this, it's worth checking how much breakfast costs if you pay for it separately. It's usually (but not always) cheaper to get an "included breakfast" rate than to pay for breakfast separately.