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bookmark_borderHow To Curl Your Eyelashes

If you're one of those women born with straight, relaxed lashes, the blindfold will open your eyes like nothing else. This weird looking beauty tool can make your eyes pop as you lift and lengthen your lashes.

Learn how to use this innovative tool properly by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Apply eyeliner and eye shadow before using the eyelash curler. Don't use your mascara just yet. Mascara applied after curling prevents lashes from getting dirty and tearing.

Step 2: Make sure your lashes are clean and dry. When you try to curl wet lashes, they don't curl, they look curled. You can even buy pre-made eyelash fans through to get perfect curly eyelashes.

Step 3: Open the eyelash curler. Place your top lashes in the hole or mouth of the curling iron. Close your eyes slightly, then open them wide to move all the lashes around the mouth of the curling iron. Make sure you keep the curling iron even with your lashes.

Step 4: Gently slide the curler closer to your eye so that it sticks to the base of your lash. Make sure you don't rub it on the skin of your eyelids.

Step 5: Holding your eye open, slowly close the curler. You should see your eyelashes fan out over the upper portion of the mouth

Step 6: Close the curling iron and slowly count to five. Keep your face and arms steady. To add extra curls, use lash curls at multiple intervals along your lashes.

Step 7: Repeat this process with the other eye.

Step 8: After both eyes are done, apply mascara.

Remember to regularly remove eye makeup from curling irons and change the curling pads every few months. Don't pull the curling iron away from your face while it's still on your lashes. This is a great way to remove your lashes. Make sure to fully open the machine before moving it away from your face.