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Why is Cork Flooring Better Than Other Types of Floors

Cork flooring is a type of flooring made from the bark of the cork oak tree. Cork flooring is highly durable, eco-friendly, and comfortable to walk on. Cork floors are also easy to clean and maintain.  Cork flooring is an attractive type of flooring that might help you improve your home's appearance. 

Cork flooring is an environmentally friendly and sustainable flooring option that has a number of advantages over other types of flooring. As mentioned, cork is a natural material that is sourced from the bark of cork oak trees, which are found in Mediterranean countries. The cork bark is harvested without harming the tree, making cork a renewable resource.

Once installed, cork flooring is very easy to care for. sweeping or vacuuming regularly will remove most dirt and debris, and occasional mopping with a mild soap solution will keep the floors looking clean and new. Spills should be cleaned up immediately to prevent staining, and scratches can be sanded out with fine-grit sandpaper if they occur.

With so many benefits, it's no wonder cork flooring is becoming increasingly popular. If you're considering cork flooring for your home, be sure to check out the wide selection of products to find the perfect match for your needs.

The cost of cork flooring varies depending on the quality of the product and the thickness of the plank. High-quality cork flooring can cost upwards of $8 per square foot, but there are many less expensive options available that still provide good durability and a beautiful finish.